Can Upcycled Clothing Help Save the Planet?

This is a guest post by a fellow Asheville-based upcyled clothing refashionista. Her name is Julia McDowell of Perpetual Muse Designs, and here is her story. Saving the World, One Fabric Scrap at a Time. . . I work from home alongside my amazingly supportive husband and 3 yr old son. We live in our […]
10 Minute Free DIY Door Draft Stopper Project

This DIY Door Draft Stopper Project Takes About 10 Minutes And Costs Zero $! The weather has been crazy cold this winter, hasn’t it? NOT my idea of fun! But recently I recalled my mother teaching me how to make a fun door draft stopper as a kid, and I thought I’d share this project […]
Fashion Kills: The Seamy Underpinnings of the Fast Fashion Industry

Fashion Kills: The Seamy Underpinnings of the Fast Fashion Industry Back in the 1960’s the term “fast fashion” had not yet been coined. Back then it was considered cool, sensible, and smart to take good care of your clothing. If a blouse was wrinkled you (carefully) ironed it. If the stitching at the seams or […]
How To Make an Instant Pot Cover in 10 Minutes

How To Make an Easy Instant Pot Cover in Just 10 Minutes (Note: If you’re not much of a seamstress or crafter, I just found this super affordable Instant Pot cover on Amazon. You’re welcome. 🙂 ) I don’t know about you, but everywhere I turn these days I’m hearing about the Instant Pot, or […]
Halloween DIY Solaire Costume from Dark Souls

DIY Solaire Costume From Dark Souls This year I didn’t think our kids were even going to need Halloween costumes. Our son at 16 has been above such things for a few years now, and even our 13 year old twin girls seemed to be ‘meh’ on the subject. You can imagine my surprise when […]
Mandy’s List of Ethical Clothing Companies

Clothing Companies That Put People and The Planet Before Profit All of these ethical clothing companies focus on creating sustainable fashion, putting the planet and the people first, before profit. While this list of slow fashion brands is by no means comprehensive, it will at least give you a place to start if you’re considering […]
DIY Tutorial – How To Make Leggings from Old Tights

How To Make Free DIY Leggings from Old Tights There’s nothing more annoying than having to throw an old pair of tights into the landfill. Well wait – there is. It’s just as annoying to want some really cool and fabulishus women’s leggings and find out that they cost anywhere from $14 up to $55 […]
Easy 90 Minute Sewing Project: Upcycled Tunic Top for Women XS-3XL

How To Make an Upcycled Tunic Top for Women in Less Than 90 Minutes! There are the three things I’m looking for when I want to make an upcycled tunic top that I can wear tonight. Fast. Free. Flattering. I don’t want to go shopping for fabric or notions. I don’t want to follow a […]
How To Clean a Cabbage Patch Kid Doll: Before and After Tutorial

Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Old Cabbage Patch Dolls If you’re anything like me, visiting local thrift stores on the hunt for neglected dolls to rescue is a thrilling treat.  When you find some old beauties sorely in need of a spa treatment for just a couple of bucks it can make your heart sing. In […]
How to Make a Blythe Doll Wig Cap

How to Make a Blythe Doll Wig Cap for Almost Nothing So That Her Wig Stays On Easily! Recently I got a bald Blythe doll for my birthday. I don’t typically spend very much on dolls as I get them either given to me or at Goodwill, so I got her bald because that made her […]