DIY Leg Warmers from Too-Small Tights (Plus Toddler Training Pants and 18 Inch Doll Undies)

Make These No-Cost DIY Leg Warmers in 10 Minutes FLAT! How To Make DIY Leg Warmers From Too-Small Tights Warm tights are a big favorite in our house. Winters can get mighty chilly up here in the Western North Carolina mountains and us girls like to keep our legs (and other parts) nice and toasty. But with […]
Scrappy Fingerless Glovelies: My Fingerless Gloves Pattern

Ready For a Quick and Easy Fingerless Gloves Pattern? It started getting chilly around here (finally) and I decided it was time to fashion a scrappy fingerless gloves pattern, or as I like to call them, arm-warmers or Glovelies(tm). I made them from some fun pieces of fabric I had lying around – it’s definitely a […]